Superfoods are just that…SUPER foods. They can heal our bodies, protect out bodies, control our behavior, ward of cancer, lower our cholesterol, fight inflammation, and help our brains have greater focus. As adults, it’s a no brainer. We know what we should be eating.
Often though we dismiss offering Superfoods to our families because we assume they won’t eat a plate of raw kale. So I compiled a list of nutritionally-dense foods that offer both added health benefits AND my children will eat. It serves as a shopping list for me, helping me make intentional choices. When we fill our diets with lots of healthy foods, there is less room for the other stuff.
Here we go:
Yup! It’s a superfood. Thank goodness because I LOVE dessert. Just make sure it’s 70% pure cocoa and isn’t Dutch processed (that takes out the good stuff). Hershey’s, for instance, makes both a dutch processed and a “natural” version.
- benefits : Loaded with antioxidants which fight free radicals. Stimulates blood flow to the brain aiding cognitive development. Helps keeps your heart healthy and protects against sun damage
- kid-friendly ideas: a cup of hot cocoa; mix into smoothies; sprinkle on top of yogurt, strawberries, or bananas
- recipes
- Raw no-bake chocolate oat balls (Powerful Mothering)
- Chocolate Banana Smoothie (Super Healthy Kids)
2. Sweet Potatoes
This deep orange vegetable is sweet, filing, and a powerhouse of nutrition.
- benefits: Filled with potassium, iron, fiber, vitamin A, B6, C & D. May protect vision & help prevent heart attacks. Added plus, the magnesium may aid in reducing stress by promoting relaxation.
- kid-friendly recipe
- Sweet Potater’ Tots (Super healthy Kids)
- Sweet potato Fries (Chocolate Covered Katie)
- Sweet potato pancakes (Feels like Home)
3. Artichokes
Who wouldn’t want to pluck, dip, and slide your teeth off the leaves of this Super-fun steamed veggie? Only problem, my kids don’t stop at one and my pot isn’t big enough to make 8.
- benefits –May help fight cancer, heart disease and high blood pressure.
Loaded with fiber & antioxidants, aids in digestion, & is a natural diuretic. - kid-friendly recipes
- How to steam an artichoke (Simple Recipes Blog)
- Lemon Artichoke dip (the Corner Kitchen)
- Artichoke Chicken Pasta
4. Oatmeal
Breakfast of choice for my boys. We add chopped apples and cinnamon for a delicious morning treat.
- benefits: Helps maintain energy levels & attention span, and is filled with fiber to keep tummies full. May help lower cholesterol and is high in magnesium which helps regulate blood sugar level.
- kid-friendly recipe
- Healthy Banana Oatmeal Muffins (Nothing if not Intentional)
- Quaker-style chewy Granola bars (chocolate covered Katie)
- Skinny Monkey Cookies (Once a month meals)
5. Pumpkin
This deep orange seasonal fruit should be enjoyed all year round, although we tend to OD on it during the fall months.
- benefits: antioxidants reduce inflammation and aid in joint health. High in fiber and both Vitamin A and C. Can protect the eyes and is good for the skin.
- kid-friendly ideas: roast pumpkin seeds, pumpkin muffins, pumpkin pancakes
- sneak: replace oil in baking recipes with canned pumpkin
- recipes
- Pumpkin no-oil Muffins (Nothing if not Intentional)
- Pumpkin Pizza (Here come the Girls)
- Pumpkin frozen Yogurt (the Naptime Chef)
- 2 ingredient Pumpkin Brownies (Cookie and Cups)
6. Nut/Nut Butters
A day does not go by in our house without a handful of nuts and a smear of nut butter. My children have been known to eat nut butter by the spoonful. A standard breakfast request in our house “Mini-wheats, peanut butter and milk please”
- benefits: good fats, antioxidants, vitamin E, Omega’s 3’s, great for skin, may help lowers bad cholesterol.
- kid-friendly ideas – DIY trail mix with nuts, seeds, & cereals; smear nut butter on apples, bananas, celery, and waffles.
- recipes
- Vitamix peanut/cashew butters (Vitamix)
- Stir Fry with Peanut Sauce (Feels like Home)
- Peanut Butter Banana Oat Breakfast cookies (Watching what I eat)
7. Dark Greens (kale/spinach)
Don’t rule out kale until you’ve at least tried kale chips. Spinach and Kale can be prepared so that even the pickiest of eaters will be coming back for more.
- benefits: has a type of phytonutrient which appears to decrease your chance of certain cancers. High in iron, Vitamin A & K, and antioxidants. Has anti-inflammatory effects.
- kid-friendly recipes
- Kale and Berry Smoothie (Kids Activity Blog)
- Fruit and Veggie Pops (Super Healthy Kids)
- Kale Chips (Foodlets)
- Spinach Parmesan Balls (food network)
- Roasted Veggie Quinoa Mac & Cheese (Super Healthy Kids)
8. Kiwi
Although it was a manatee in my son’s science project last year, we more regularly enjoy this fruit by the case from Costco
- benefits: more vitamin C than oranges. Strengthens immune system & aids in cardiovascular health. Fiber-rich.
- kid-friendly ideas: cubed over vanilla frozen yogurt
9. Eggs
Hard boiled or scrambled, poached or over easy, we love eggs!
- benefits: Filled with protein, vitamin D, B-12, choline, and selenium. May also help protect your eyesight.
- kid-friendly recipes
- Breakfast Burrito Bites (Super healthy Kids)
- Egg in a Nest (Spoonful)
- Tofu Egg Fried Rice (Fuss-free cooking)
10. Hummus/Chickpea beans
Hummus makes the perfect nutritious dip for carrots, celery, bell peppers, and tomatoes.
- benefits: Great source of protein, fiber, and calcium. The high soluble fiber may help lower cholesterol.
- kid-friendly recipes
- Our Favorite Hummus
- Pumpkin & Chickpea Curry recipe (Here come the Girls)
- Hummus without Tahini (Pleasantest Things)
11. Seeds – sunflower, pumpkin, flax, chia
Another popular staple in our home. We throw sunflower seeds on our salads and into trail mix, pumpkin seeds in our lunch box, and flax in our smoothies.
- benefits – good source of Omega 3s which helps reduce inflammation. Also may help lower cholesterol & blood pressure.
- kid-friendly recipe
- Banana Spider Flax Snack (Kid’s Activity Blog)
- Mexican Chia Lemonade (Kid World Citizen)
- How to Roast Pumpkin Seeds (Eating Well)
- Delicious Trail Mix (Pepper Lynn)
12. Soybeans/Edamame
- benefits: Highest protein content of any plant. It’s the only vegetable that has all 8 essential amino acids. Has good source of Omega 3’s, calcium, iron, and fiber.
- kid-friendly recipes
- Garlic Edamame (Wishful Chef)
- Barley with Peas and Edamame (Health)
- Fried Rice with Edamame and Tofu (Dr. Oz)
13. Berries – Blueberries, strawberries, raspberries
Nobody needs encouragement to eat these delicious fruits. The fact that they are healthy too is just a delight.
- benefits: Some of the highest content of disease-fighting antioxidants there is. It’s high in vitamins, has anti-inflammatory effects, and may reduce the effects if age-related memory loss.
- kid-friendly ideas – fruit kabob
- recipes
- Blueberry Pie Pancakes (Chocolate Covered Katie)
- Fairy Freckle Juice (Super Healthy Kids)
- Fruit Breakfast Tacos (Super Healthy Kids)
14. Quinoa
Forbes calls it the SuperGrain of the future. It’s protein-rich and almost double the fiber of other grains.
- benefits: Excellent plant-based protein source. High fiber, magnesium, iron and good fats, and it’s easy to digest.
- kid-friendly recipes
- Roasted Veggie Quinoa Mac & Cheese (Super healthy Kids)
- Apple Oat Quinoa Cake (Super Healthy Kids)
- Breakfast Quinoa (Pip and Ebby)
- Quinoa-crusted Chicken (Rachel Ray)
- Lemon Quinoa Cilantro Chickpea Salad (raudette)
15. Avocado:
benefits: Its rich vitamins, potassium, and fiber-content aid in cardiovascular health. May help fight diabetes and high cholesterol, and the healthy fats keep your cravings for junk food down.
- sneak – smear on sandwiches, replace oil in brownies.
- kid-friendly recipe
- Simple and Fresh Guacamole (Panning the Globe)
- Avocado Chocolate Chip Cookies (Nothing if not Intentional)
- Avocado Cream Cheese Spread (the Pleasantest Thing)
- Avocado Boats (Simply Healthy Kids)
- Ethiopian Mango & Avocado Juice Spris (Kid World Citizen)
16. Tomatoes
From pizzas to salads, salsa to soup, everybody can find a way to like tomatoes
- benefits: protects skin from hazardous UV rays, may prevent certain cancers, and may help lower cholesterol. Has high amounts of Vitamin C, fiber and potassium.
- kid-friendly recipesSimple Tomato Sauce (MarioBatalli)
- Fresh Tomato & Basil Pasta (my recipes)
- Tomato Tart Pizza (Super Healthy Kids)
17. Yogurt
Our family has transitioned to Greek Yogurt because of it’s higher protein content but any yogurt with live cultures and a lower sugar content will have great health benefits.
- benefits: good source of protein & calcium. Live cultures help increase immune system and intestinal health.
- sneak: replacement for sour cream in recipes like tacos and dips. Replace oil in baking with it. I’ve had great results brownies & corn bread recipes.
- kid-friendly recipes – parfaits & smoothies
- Apple Breakfast Sundaes (Super healthy Kids)
- Strawberry Greek Frozen Yogurt (Cooking Classy)
- Peanut Butter Frozen Yogurt (Chocolate Covered Katie)
18. Cinnamon
This spice is a great way to add added nutrition to your family’s diet, and it’s a natural food preservative.
- benefits: regulates blood sugar, may lower bad cholesterol, has anit-infectious properties, and has even shown to reduce menstrual pain.
- kid-friendly ideas – mix into your morning oatmeal. add to muffin, pancake, cookie batters. Sprinkle in soup or on top of ice cream. Cinnamon toast
- recipes
- Cinnamon Apple Mash (Super Healthy Kids)
- Crockpot Apple Cinnamon Raisen Bread (Glittering Muffins)
19. Green Tea
OK, so it’s not a food but it is so good for you, it had to make the list. Chose decaf varieties for children.
- benefits: Filled with antioxidants and it keeps your immune system strong. Studies have shown it can reduce the size of tumors and in some cases actually make cancer cells die.
- kid-friendly ideas – decaf green tea with juice and honey
- Kid’s Mango Ice Tea recipe (Sarah Cucina’s Bella)
- Green tea Cookies (Live Longer)
21. Citrus – Lemons, grapefruits, and oranges
- benefits: Vitamin C helps keep the immune system strong. Flavonoids have anti-inflammatory effect. They aid indigestion, are great for your skin, and have detoxifying properties.
- kid-friendly ideas : even just having a pitcher of lemon water, half a grapefruit with a little honey, iced-cold sliced oranges after soccer practice
- recipe
- Baked Orange French Toast (Super Healthy Kids)
- Citrus Sunrise Pops (Super Healthy Kids)
- Chicken with Honey-Orange Sauce (Eating Well)
- Vanilla-Orange Freezer Pops(Super Healthy Kids)
- Honey-Lemon Cold Remedy (Super Healthy Kids)
22. Cocount Oil
I just discovered this last year and have loved experimenting with it. it adds a GREAT texture to baked goods.
- benefits: immune boosting, helps lower cholesterol & stabilize blood sugar
- kid-friendly recipes
- Dark Chocolate Chip Cookie (Nestle)
- Almond Power Bars (Beyond the Peel)
- Healthy Chocolate Zucchini Brownies (Chocolate Covered Katie)
23. Salmon/tuna
I don’t like salmon, but you should. It’s SO good for you.
- benefits: loaded with Omega 3’s fatty acids which reduce inflammation, improve circulation, help regulate blood pressure.
- kid-friendly recipes:
- Brown sugar & Soy Glazed Salmon (our Journey to a Simpler Life)
- Parmesan Crusted Salmon Sticks (Love Stitched)
24. Peppers – Red, Green, Yellow, Orange.
- benefits: Great source of Vitamin A and C. Helps reduce inflammation and arthritis while keeping your skin looking pretty.
- kid-friendly ideas- Have a taste test with kids and let them pick their favorite color. DipinHummus.
- Egg in a Red Pepper Flower (Super Healthy Kids)
- Chicken Kabobs with Asian dipping Sauce(Super Healthy Kids)
- ABC Pasta with Veggies (Super Healthy Kids)
25. Amazing Gras Kid’s Superfood Chocolate Powder
When all else fails, get your fruits and veggies in this chocolate powder. We mix it in milk or smoothies. For years my children thought this was “chocolate milk” and drank it obsessively until one day, they had the real thing. Start young.
I’d love for your to follow me below and if you haven’t already like us on Facebook or Pinterest.
Thank you so much for this list. I will look forward to seeing which recipes my family will enjoy. Would love to see more posts like this one. Thanks again.
Like most of pinterest, I’m obsessed with kid-friendly recipes. Thanks for this great list, and for including a few of my recipe!
Thanks For sharing Allison! These recipes look fabulous. I”m checking them all out now.
Do you have a link where I can get the Kids Superfood chocolate powder, or do you get it at a health food store near you?
sorry I have updated the picture. You can click on the photo now
Great list! I’m going to pass it along to my friends with young kids. And thanks for including a recipe from Panning The Globe.
A great list – thank you for sharing. I knew about some of these foods, but you included some new ones, too. I’m keeping this tucked away for reference!
I’m checking out your blog because the name is interesting and doesn’t work mathematically… I think. Nicely done.
What do you mean mathematically Karissa? It is great to have you here.
What a wonderful list!!! I can not wait to try several (ok, all!) of these! Plus, I found several new blogs to explore from the list!
Coconut oil has lots of benefits including possibly decreasing chances of developing and reducing memory loss from alzheimers.