A Tree of Gratitude

Post sponsored by Alpha-Bits as part of the Mom It Forward Blogger Network. – See more at: http://www.alittletipsy.com/2013/11/printable-thanksgiving-crossword-for.html#sthash.xSNLA1Hg.dpuf
Post sponsored by Alpha-Bits as part of the Mom It Forward Blogger Network. – See more at: http://www.alittletipsy.com/2013/11/printable-thanksgiving-crossword-for.html#sthash.xSNLA1Hg.dpufpost s

Post sponsored by Alpha-Bits as part of the Mom it Forward Blogger Network.A Gratitude Tree - a character-building lesson for each step as handprints are used for branches, fingerprints for leaves, forearm as the trunk and #alphabits to share our thankful hearts. {the House of Hendrix}

In our time-crunched world, I’m drawn to activities that are festive, educational, and character-building. So as we continue our focus this month on gratitude,  I came up with a craft  that combines:Tree of Gratitude - A character-building lesson included with each step of this craft #alphabits

  • character development
  • snack time
  • letter recognition
  • sorting/ matching/word formation
  • and a great gift for grandma

The Tree of Gratitude can easily be adapted to kids of varying ages. My 11 year old had just as much fun as my 6 year old. Here’s what you’ll need:

My kids immediately started sorting the Alpha Bits cereal into rows of letters. With every ‘A’ that was lined up, an ‘A’ went into their tummy. The possible craft projects with these little letters were buzzing through my head…if we could just stop eating them. This whole grain cereal is delish! The shaped pieces can also help little ones become familiar with letters of the alphabet while challenging older kids to form words and expressions of gratitude. r-building lesson included with each step of this craft (The House of Hendrix) #alphabitsBegin by making the trunk of the tree with your forearm. We used brown paint on the outer side of your arm and then pressed onto paper.

Character Lesson –  Our bodies are like a trunk of a tree. The bark protects the good things the roots absorb while also keeping harmful things away. How can we use our bodies to nourish and also protect our hearts?r-building lesson included with each step of this craft (The House of Hendrix) #alphabits

Make the leaves of the tree with green hand prints. We filled in a few gaps with a paintbrush.

Character Lesson – We can use our hands to serve others.r-building lesson included with each step of this craft (The House of Hendrix) #alphabitsUse fingerprints to add some leaves to the branches.

Character Lesson – Our fingerprints are unlike anybody else in the world. We are each made special and with purpose.r-building lesson included with each step of this craft (The House of Hendrix) #alphabitsAfter the paint dries, spell out words of things that you are thankful for with the Alpha Bits cereal. You may help younger children with this step by writing out their words on a separate paper for them to duplicate.  Glue their words of thanksgiving onto the branches of the tree.

Character Lesson – Our words are a reflection of our hearts. Let’s use words of thanksgiving and of encouragement for one another.

r-building lesson included with each step of this craft (The House of Hendrix) #alphabits Tree of Gratitude- a craft and character-building lesson with each step {the House of Hendrix} #alphabitsThe Gratitude Tree can be a keepsake or a gift. Ours are proudly displayed on our playroom walls. Thanks for stopping by for craft time today. Allison

I am grateful for my readers. If you missed our Thanksgiving Advent post, you can learn how we use November to prepare our hearts for the indulgence of December here.A Gratitude Tree - Includes a character-building lesson for each step. I love when a craft strengthens not just fine motor skills but the heart as well. |the House of Hendrix

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Our Thanksgiving Advent

Our Thanksgiving Advent

why we need November

There’s just something about November.

I need it. I crave it. It begins the day after Halloween, where make-believe is at its peak; and although I love an evening of gluttonous candy and costumes, there’s just something dark and unsettling about the night. I wake up November 1st thankful it’s over and ready to re-align my heart for the coming months.

November challenges us to go deeper. To be thankful. To have hearts of gratitude.

November is a blessing.

I need November because I REALLY love December. Without November, December would exhaust me. I would decorate, impulse spend, and wrap til even the elves were impressed. But November grounds me. It gives me time to reflect and re-prioritize on what I truly care about, not on what advertising campaigns and catalogs try to lure me with.

November allows me to enter the holiday season with a heart of gratitude not desire.Gratitude

So this month, I’m going to write about what that looks like in our home, and how I am preparing my heart and my family’s heart for Thanksgiving. One way we do this is through a Thanksgiving Advent.

Our Thanksgiving Advent Calendar

Each evening in November, we each write on a card something we are thankful for. Use these 'I'm Thankful' cards to cultivate a heart of gratitude in November through a Thanksgiving Advent. Free PrintablesI'm Thankful cards - free Thanksgiving printables

A thanksgiving Advent - How to prepare your hearts for thanksgiving through this advent calendar  (free printables too)

Sometimes it’s a list. Sometimes a drawing.Christ who gives me strength

We place the card into the corresponding day on our felt advent calendar.

A Thanksgiving Advent - Teaching kids to have hearts for gratitude before the Hoiiday season.  Print and fill out these cute "I'm Thankful for" cards each day in November. Read them on Thanksgiving.A Thanksgiving Advent - Teaching kids to have hearts for gratitude before the Hoiiday season.  Print and fill out these cute "I'm Thankful for" cards each day in November. Read them on Thanksgiving.

On Thanksgiving night, we read each of the cards.

I save these cards to remember. They reveal so much about the heart of our family…particularly those cards written when life was not easy. I cling to the cards of years past, cherish them, and am thankful to God for carrying us through the rough patches. I am thankful for His faithful goodness. I remember… and my faith is strengthened.

I made YOU a set of Thanksgiving cards. Click here to chose your style and print.

I’m thankful for you and hope your hearts are filled with gratitude and joy this November. Allison

For more festive ideas and activities, I just started a Thanksgiving board on Pinterest that you can follow.

I’m grateful for my readers and would love to have you follow The House of Hendrix below.  If you would like to connect further, please join my FACEBOOK COMMUNITY

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