Before I tell you about my encounter with the 6 foot French goddess, you need some back story.
We had a 3- 1/2 year old and a 12-month old, and I was pregnant again. My husband decided to get his MBA through a Business School program designed for those already in the workplace; therefore, classes met on nights and weekends.
A week into the program, the college held a cocktail party to welcome the spouses, thanking them in advance for the sacrifices this program required upon their family time. It was a nice touch.
The dean of the program gave an inspiring speech about the life-long relationships the students were going to form and suggested we get to know the 6 individuals assigned to our spouse’s “Study Group” because this is who they’d be spending much of their time with over the next 2 years.
I was ready. I was excited. I was supportive.
I met 4 middle-aged married men and a lovely, engaging single woman. We chatted about their careers and families.
Then the sixth group member walked up, or should I say slinked. We all stood silently, mouths hanging open. She possessed that type of beauty that wasn’t subjective. She was unaware of her exotic, stunning presence, but at 25 years old and 6 feet tall commanded the room.
In the strongest of French accents, she said “Hallo,” and for a moment, I thought she was seducing me. The next thing I heard her say was, “Maybe some of you men could help me move into my apartment on Saturday? Yes?”
As we wiped our drool, I quickly saw other wives speak for their husbands regarding prior commitments to soccer games and birthday parties. My husband locked eyes with me and, with the biggest grin, whispered, “Honey, I can hear you. Do you realize you are laughing out loud?”
I covered my mouth, attempting to suppress the increasing humor I found in this situation. I just couldn’t contain my pregnant myself. This French goddess will be my husband’s late-night-and-weekend study buddy for the next 2 years? It felt like an episode of Punked. Can somebody wave a Red Flag please?
I have never been a jealous wife. I trust my husband completely but I am not naïve.
We shared more than a laugh when we got into the car after the party. I asked why he hadn’t mentioned there was a French goddess in his study group. He explained he wasn’t sure how a pregnant wife with a baby and toddler at home would receive such information. He reassured me of his love and devotion, which was unnecessary but always good to hear.
Then my tone turned serious as I asked him to be discerning of the situations he put himself in, knowing we were both entering a period of sleep deprivation and exhaustion.
The next morning, I called my sister with residual laughter about my husband’s new study buddy. After a few witty jokes, we committed to praying for protection over his heart, his study group, and the coming two years. Prayer was our strongest line of defense.
A week later, my husband called me from work saying the French goddess had to switch to a different MBA program due to scheduling conflicts.
Yes, my friends, it works. Sometimes, it’s not answered quite so obviously or exactly how we imagined, but it has the power to transform situations and relationships.
Although I have much to learn about marriage, I have been surrounded by quite a bit of divorce. What I do know is that we have to intentionally protect our marriages and that starts by protecting our own hearts.
- No marriage is immune from conflict or temptation. Not one.
- Pay attention to red flags. At the beach, a red flag cautions us of potential danger, often an undertow that can’t be seen. Sometimes, we don’t see the hidden danger behind a choice. Listen to your discerning friends and family. Read scripture. Pay attention. Notice the signs so that you can head in the other direction.
- Understand each others love language – I highly recommend The 5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman. You can read my post on it here. It suggests we each have a predominant way of showing and receiving love. Understanding you and your spouses can strengthen your ability to effectively communicate love more meaningfully in your marriage.
- Forgive easily and often – Don’t wait for apologies. An angry heart can lead us to regrettable choices.
- Be careful with relationships of the opposite sex. – There are only a few men that I will text or e-mail. They usually involve my children, but I make sure my husband is aware. Similarly, my husband does not even drive female babysitters home. Our choices have nothing to do with an insecurity in our relationship. We want to protect both our hearts and those of the opposite sex with whom we come into contact.
- Keep short accounts – I once gave my husband the cold shoulder for several days regarding a dirty pan. Frustration can turn a heart bitter, so we try to talk it through before it escalates. I love the verse “Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry,” although sometimes a good night’s sleep provides a much-needed break from conflict with a renewed perspective in the morning.
- Don’t compare spouses – Resist the urge to point out how Super Dad down-the-block takes the kids all afternoon so his wife can go to the spa. None of us want to be judged or compared to another. Our families are not supposed to look alike. Embrace the one you got.
Pursue your spouse – Men want to feel desired. Leave a note in an unexpected place, send an amorous text. We would be naive to think nobody is flirting with our spouse. Last week I watched a saleswoman giggle a little too loud, flip her hair, and touch my husband’s arm while she checked him out. So I of course sent the kids over to hang on him. But when somebody flirts with my man, I hope it’s simply a compliment to his ego, and his innate need to feel desired is being filled by me.
- Stop using the words “always” and “never”. You always leave your towel on the floor. You never help with the kids. Such exaggerations are unnecessary and divisive. My husband reminds me of this often.
- Password privacy – Don’t keep passwords for phones and computers from your spouse. If you don’t want your spouse reading a text, ask yourself if you should even be sending it.
- Date Night and Little Moments – As parents, we often pour into the needs of our children but overlook our marriages. In the busyness of the life, we forget to see each other and simply co-exist in our daily routine. Last year it had been too long since my husband and I had gone on a date alone, so we took advantage of having a babysitter for a funeral and actually went out afterwards. It was a little
creepyawkward at first but, it is necessary to steal little moments of time for each other where ever you can get them.
- When he is discouraged – you have a choice. You can beat him down further with your own frustration or use it as an opportunity to breathe life into him. The latter is going to strengthen our marriages a heck of a lot more than the first.via
- Marriage is not a scoreboard – Do you keep track of who’s doing household chores or putting kids to bed? Sometimes we forget marriage is a relationship not a game with a winner and loser.
- Finances – Debt or financial pressure can destroy a marriage. I used to closet-shop and leave the shopping bag hidden in the trunk or closet until my husband wasn’t around. If you have to hide it, you shouldn’t be doing it. Get on the same page with your budget. Being financially united is the unglamorous work that adds tremendous depth and trust to your relationship.
- The Internet – The temptations are obvious and often hazardous to marriages. This goes beyond simply looking at inappropriate images and coveting homes on Trulia that you can’t afford. Over the weekend, my husband and I sat in bed for several hours each on our own Ipad…not speaking. Simply the presence of the internet took away from an opportunity to connect.
- Respect around the clock – We know not to belittle our spouse at a cocktail party, but are we showing that same respect in the home? Do we unwittingly show disrespect with our off-the-cuff comments? Disrespect is not strengthening our marriages.
- Accountability – Find trusted people in your life you can confide in about your marriage and personal struggles and be there for them as well. My husband has a men’s accountability group where they share temptations and ask each other hard questions. I don’t know what is said, but I am grateful beyond measure.
- a Heart of Gratitude – What about your spouse are you thankful for today? Tell him. Who and what in your life are breathing refreshment into your soul? Being thankful is the quickest way to bring joy to our hearts, and that joy produces a renewed ability to love our spouses and families well.
- Don’t give up. – Fight for your marriage even when you can’t stand one another. Pray for God to intervene and replace anger with love, and pain with forgiveness. I have seen Him reconcile the messiest of relationships, mend the broken-hearted, and restore peace to the most fractured of homes. It can happen. But if your marriage has failed, know that God still adores you. His grace overflows upon you. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. – Proverbs 3: 3
May your home be filled with peace, your hearts with thanksgiving, and know how deeply you are loved. May we remember to protect our marriages even when we’d rather not, and let us rest knowing that His power is made perfect in our weakness.
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Beautifully written, Allison!
Great story and great reminders 🙂 Thank you.
Wonderful thoughts and reminders. Always keeping Our Lord in the center of our marriages. Thank you.
I was just on pintrest trying to defuse from the turmoil in my marriage. My heart hs been wandering for a long time. I was praying while browsing and this post stuck out like a flashing neon sign. Thank you for your words of encouragement and your faithfulness to God.
Alli, you have such a gift of speaking truth
and being side splitting funny at the same time. How I wish I could have met Frenchie and nervously giggled with you:)
Love u tons Trisha
I absolutely LOVE the story! What I love most is the way you laughed together, but spoke seriously about the situation together. Your list of ways to protect your marriage is wonderful! Thank you for this fun and thought-provoking post!
Thanks Kelli. I am so glad you enjoyed it.
Beautiful!! Thank you! It’s a great reminder!! So nicely written!
Thanks Julie!
What a great post and an encouragement. Thanks for joining the Mom 2 Mom Monday Link-Up!
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I really needed this right now. God works in mysterious ways! 🙂 Thank you
To God Be The Glory Great Things He Has Done! Awesome Message! Love the Prayer to Protect His Heart!
Thank You!
I loved this. Made me laugh and cry a little at the end. My husband is Christian but does not go to church for his own reasons, so it’s very difficult for me. I am an active member in my church have been singing since I was 7. I know that prayer works but I will not lie and say that it’s easy. I know it takes time…and I know that it’s all in God’s time. This made my day though. I will definitely keep it as a guide to go by. Thank you soo much. Many blessings to you and your family.
Jessica, I am glad you stumbled across this and it brought you encouragement. You are so right, prayer works but it isn’t easy. Keep your eyes on His promises. Blessing back to you my friend.
Thank you! I needed this today more than you can imagine! I just hope it’s not to late to save my marriage!
Don’t give up friend. prayer works.
I love this! And it doesn’t matter how long you’ve been married, this info is still refreshing. I do know that having God in our marriage has helped us get this far. I was married at 19, we’ve been married for 20 yrs now, 3 kids later and I’m already looking forward to renewing our vows and celebrating our 25th wedding ann!
So well said. Thank you for making up this list.
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Just remember it has to be a two way street. I’m a woman reeling over infidelity and trying to understand what I wasn’t doing when I have been one to try to protect my marriage. 🙁 less than three months out… Sorry.
I am sorry for the pain you must feel. You are right; it is a 2 way street. As much work as we can put into our relationships, there is still another person involved. Do you have somebody who can help get you through this, like a councilor or wise friend? Hang in there friend.
Pingback: Protect your marriage | Couples Counseling in Portland
This was so beautiful! The internet filling the little available alone time and closet shopping are two that I am guilty of. As well as not pursuing him. Your statement, “I hope it’s simply a compliment to his ego, and his innate need to feel desired is being filled by me.” really hit home.
I wish we spoke as candidly as you and your husband seem to. Our car would have been filled with clenched jaws and stares out the window rather than laughter and honesty. So sad…
I am finding your blog very encouraging as I read through it. Thank you.
I am grateful you have found my small space on the internet here. Marriage is hard period. We are constantly having to be intentional to connect. Yet I’m continually surprised that in a matter of days (with intentional work and not pointing fingers) we can go from a rough spot in our relationship to a more peaceful and stronger place by making time to put each other ahead of ourselves. Keep working for your marriage. It’s worth fighting for.
Thank you for your help and may God bless you and your family.
Thanks for such a lovely post that has filled my heart with the understanding that it is not good to always ask but to give something in strengthening the marriage.
Is there a “Love” button?! This is absolutely amazing! I noticed it is a couple of years old, but still so very true and inspiring to wives (and husbands) everywhere! Awesome post!