2 Types of Women

When you walk into a room, do you make a "Here I Am" entrance or a "There you Are" entrance? Read these 10 Qualities to help you decide.So you’re at an event and she walks in. There’s something about her that makes you stop and look. But it’s not just you; others are looking too. It’s not her chic outfit or even physical beauty, but something in how she carries herself.  Intentionally or unintentionally, she commands attention. We don’t know her story, or maybe we do. But what she does in those next 30 seconds is very telling.

Her body language is about to communicate one of two things:

‘Here I Am’ or ‘There YOU are’

The confident ‘Here-I-am’ woman communicates:

  • I’m here. I’ve arrived. See me?
  • Who do I know here?
  • I’ll wait here for you to come over and talk to me.

There’s also a ‘Here-I-am” woman that doesn’t command attention but shares the same self-focus:

  • Is my outfit ok?
  • Will they like me?
  • I’m uncomfortable, they can come to me

Whether from a place of confidence or insecurity, the Here-I-am woman is all about HER. See the emphasis above on the Me, I, and My.  She’s really saying,  “Please validate me, accept me, see me”.

I missed out recently on reconnecting with an old friend. She was all glammed up at an event radiating a ‘Here-I-Am’ vibe. She had undeniable presence but appeared unapproachable and uninterested in connecting with anybody beyond her immediate circle. I wanted to say hi but was confused. In retrospect, I wish I had pushed, because I think it was a cover-up for her insecurity. I think her ‘Here-I-Am-all-fabulous-and-cool’ image was a power play for acceptance…only an acceptance that had nothing to do with actual friendship. She was hiding behind a very compelling persona.

I understand the lure though of controlling how others perceive you. It seems safer than risking rejection. But it’s a dangerous cycle that rarely results in the comfort of being truly known and accepted by another. You miss out.

There You Are

When the ‘There-You-are’ woman walks into the room, she too commands your attention because she is excited to see YOU. There YOU are. She’s great to be around because she communicates:

  • You are worth walking over and sticking my hand out for.
  • How can I make YOU comfortable?
  • I’m excited to be with YOU.
  • It’s nice to meet YOU.
  • You are accepted, cool and fabulous, not me.

She is remembered by the way she makes YOU feel.

She may be outgoing…or she may have a quiet spirit, but you remember her.

You like her because she first liked you.

So what type of woman are you? Do you radiate ‘Here I am” or ‘There you are’? I think most of us have a natural inclination to ‘Here-I-am’ behavior, but not because we think we’re so fabulous. Conversely, we simply have a desire to be accepted and feel significant, and sometimes that can make us self-focused.

What would happen if we treated everybody in our path today with a “There YOU are” attitude? Would the mom who feels left out at school events feel more comfortable? Would your spouse respond to you differently? Would that conflict with the neighbor change? Would you like yourself more?

I’ve been watching my ‘There-You-Are’ friends and have compiled a list of the qualities I think sum her up.When you walk into a room, do you make a "Here I Am" entrance or a "There You Are" entrance? Read these 10 Qualities of  There You are woman.[ The House of Hendrix}Do you know this woman? How does she make you feel? Life’s too short to withhold a compliment. Share this with her and say thank you. Give HER some encouragement.

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6 Ways I loosened up to survive the early years of Motherhood


I’m that mom that people in Publix give dirty looks to because her children are playing “Spies” down the aisles. The mom who let’s her kids play with all the toys in Target while she sits on the floor and talks to her sister on her cell phone. I’m the mom that has been known to let her boys pee behind a tree in a semi public place because legistically is seems most efficient. I know, I NEVER thought I’d be her.6 Ways I loosened up to Survive the early years of Motherhood - the House of Hendrix

Before I had children, I was appalled when I saw wild children in public places running around …I swore my children would never behave that way. I really did. I actually said it out loud to my husband. “Just so you know honey, our children will never act like that. They are going to say Yes Mam and Yes Sir, and know how to properly sit at a restaurant table until each adult is finished”.

Yay, they really don’t. I mean I can threaten them to said desired result but it’s not natural.  And it’s not that I don’t try. It’s that as moms we have to pick priorities and EVERYTHING can’t be a priority. I applaud you moms who have 3 kids in a grocery cart each with their list of items to look for, with a pencil and pad and a plan. You’re doing a great job! (and I’m not being condescending)6 Ways I Loosened Up to Survive the early years of Motherhood - the House of Hendrix

I actually channeled that mom for 3 1/2 years when I had my daughter and infant son. I had it together, or at least thought I did in my sleep-deprived state. Then I was blessed with another boy a few months later and well…God thought I needed to loosen up a bit or just wanted a good laugh. I had one was crawling this way, one toddling that way, and a 4-year-old with an opinion on it all.

I had to change or else this idealistic vision of mothering would be the death of me. Every mom is different. Every threshold unique. I was maxed out. There were specific areas I had to loosen up to survive and thoroughly enjoy these early years of motherhood.Encouraging and refreshing post!! "I guess I just quit trying to make it all look perfect: my kids, my house, my parenting...and as a result we had more room for joy and increased time for laughter." |the House of Hendrix

6 Ways I loosened up to survive the early years of  Motherhood:

1. Be thankful in the storm. When I feel exhausted and overwhelmed, I look for the blessings around us.  Have you read “1000 Gifts? The author writes a journal of 1,000  things she is thankful for…the result, JOY.

2. Laugh Laugh when life is messy, chaotic, or just not going your way. Laughter helped me find perspective in the most frustrating mommy moments. My mother faxed me a paper at work one time which read in giant letters, ‘Don’t let the stress take away your joy’. That totally changed me. {humorous table manners post}

3. Re-Prioritize – My heart wanted to be a great mom to our children…but I just couldn’t do it all. We had to define what the most important priorities were for our family.

Unchanging Priorities: Obedience, Respect, Honesty. These are not the areas where we  loosen up, yet are still our biggest struggle.

Family-Specific Priorities like Serving Others or Having a Strong Family Unit. Defining these helps determine how we choose to spend our time.

Our Fallen Priorities: These are good parenting practices that just aren’t our priority. Keeping my boys clean for 6 Ways I loosened up to Survive the early years of Motherhood - the House of Hendrixinstance. It’s impossible. We wash our hands and take baths, but it really ends there. Over the summer they only look clean because we live in the pool, but if I met you at the park for a playdate, you would be baffled. I think of it as their special gift, they know how to play hard…and get dirty.

4. Slow down – This occurred to me one day when I took the kids to Sea World. They were looking at the flamingos, and I pleaded for 5 minutes for them to hurry up so we could go see the dolphins. Who goes to Sea World to see flamingos after all? Suddenly I stopped pushing and just observed. They posed like flamingos for 15 minutes fully convinced that the tourists could not tell if they were a one-legged pink bird or a child.

We never made it to Shamu that day, and I can’t recall what we actually did see, but they still laugh about all of those “in between moments” that never made the schedule, those memories based on relationship and interaction with each other, those memories that almost didn’t happen because I was rushing for nowhere.

5. Simplify – I simplified the over-the-top birthday parties and put that energy into creating a memorable birthday atmosphere within our home.  I simplified making baby books…actually I quit them altogether but you shouldn’t do that, they’re good to have.  

6 Ways I loosened up to Survive the early years of Motherhood - the House of Hendrix

I guess I just quit trying to make it all look perfect: my kids, my house, my parenting…and as a result we had more room for joy and increased time for laughter.

6. Trust –  I have read more parenting books, heard speakers, and taken parenting classes that I understand the importance of family meals, consistent discipline, fewer activities, more alone time with each child….which is why it’s so easy to feel like a failure as a parent. There’s always something more we could be doing as parents.

But that is exactly where the scriptures changed my heart. They promise that if I ask God for wisdom over my children, He won’t deny it from me. But to truly have confidence in that, meant I had to trust that God would equip me for the children He entrusted to me. When I embraced that truth, the pressure was off. I was enough for my kids. My kids still keep me quite humble on a regular basis, but I take comfort knowing that when I seek God for guidance, He will provide the insight and wisdom I need.

So that’s how I became “that mom”. People still roll their eyes and gasp from time to time, but I’m ok with it. My family is not supposed to look like yours, and we are in fact a bit quirky. But like you, I cherish my children. So if you bump into my Secret Spies in the cereal aisle at Publix, or if I see your children eating chocolate bars for breakfast, let’s give each other a break, and replace those looks with an understanding smile, that we’re each doing the best we can.

The House of Hendrix

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20 Things I received from my Mother

20 Things I became because of my Mom. A tribute to our moms. [the House of Hendrix}Today is Mother’s Day and no gift seems appropriate…no gift ever seems appropriate because I have received so much from her.

She gave me life.

She gave me a childhood filled with joy and love.

She gave me the confidence to become the woman I am today.

As I reflect upon her role in my life, I weep.  I weep because I am overwhelmed by the goodness she has lavished upon me.

The prayers. The counsel. The encouragement.

The discipline. The friendship. The fun.

I do not want to honor her memory after she’s past. I want to honor her today. Every day.

I want to celebrate my mom.

20 Things I became because of my Mom. What do you hope to instill in your children?A tribute to our moms. [the House of Hendrix}


♥ Thank you for giving me encouragement when you might have needed some yourself. You have been a constant cheerleader in my life and that has made me secure.

♥ Thank you for showing me that everybody in our lives is in need of that encouragement from the taxi driver to my boss. That has made me aware.

♥ Thank you for teaching me that beauty is not just skin deep but is a reflection of your heart….and that nothing makes you sparkle more than a peaceful, joy-filled soul. That helped define my self-image in a culture that suggests otherwise.

♥ Thank you for modeling that you don’t have to raise your voice in a marriage to win an argument…that a gentle and quiet spirit speaks boldly and with effect. That has made me a better wife.20 Things I became because of my Mom. What do you hope to instill in your children?A tribute to our moms. [the House of Hendrix}

♥ Thank you for always seeing the best in me, never becoming exasperated or critical of my imperfections, but affirming the woman you know me to be. That has inspired me to do great things.

♥ Thank you feeding me nutritious foods at a time when health food stores smelled really funny. That has made me appreciate Whole Foods on an olfactory level (and taught me how to respect my body).

♥ Thank you for teaching me proper etiquette. That has given me confidence in formal settings, never feeling like I don’t belong.

♥ Thank you for decorating for the holidays and making us feel special on our birthdays. You taught me how to bring warmth to a home and make an ordinary day memorable.  That has taught me how to truly celebrate life.

 Thank you for being a strong woman not afraid to speak truth. That has taught me to be bold in my own convictions.

20 Things I became because of my Mom. What do you hope to instill in your children?A tribute to our moms. [the House of Hendrix}

♥ Thank you for reminding me: “the difference between hope and despair is a good night sleep”.  That has gotten me through many teary evenings.

♥ Thank you showing us how to find joy in the messiest of circumstances. You created a family that wasn’t moody. That has allowed me to see the blessings when life is really hard.

♥ Thank you for your passion to travel and “smell the city”. My richest academic lessons came from the trips you meticulously planned. That has given me a love for learning and an appreciation for history and art.

♥ Thank you for teaching me the scriptures. They have been an unwavering foundation in my life.

♥ Thank you for nurturing me when I am sick. No matter my age, nothing soothes my weary body quite like the voice of my mama.

♥ Thank you for telling me I was your favorite child.  I realize you told all of us that, but I also know you meant it with me.  That makes me feel special.

♥ Thank you for showing me how to forgive…to forgive when you’ve been wronged…and when the wound is deep. You showed me the freedom that forgiveness brings and the restoration possible. That taught me mercy and healing.

♥♥♥ But above all, thank you for loving me. I have never known a day apart from your love, and that is a priceless gift. YOU are a gift to me.

So today, on this day that we celebrate you, I hope my life has honored you, brought you joy, and is pleasing to your soul.   I love you mom.The House of Hendrix

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