I love this idea of capturing legacy through photography.
Four generations of women in one photograph is not always an easy accomplishment especially when they live in different cities.
I made this photo for my mother’s birthday and though it would also be a great Mother’s Day or anytime gift.
Can we just mention how gorgeous my grandma is!!
Here’s what you will need:
- a digital camera
- a photo printer or Walgreens nearby
- a simple 11×14 frame
Interesting note: I did not let anybody see what they were holding. They had no idea what was in the frame. It was a surprise!
(These steps can happen over many weeks when you are with various relatives.)
Step 1:
Take a picture of the youngest generation. This was my daughter and her cousins.
Step 2:
Print out that picture in 11×14 at a quick printing place like Walgreens. You can print it at home in 8×12, but I prefer 11×14 because you can see the great grandkids faces better in the final product.
Step 3:
(We did this next step in the Walgreens parking lot) Put the picture in a black frame and have the next generation hold it. This was my sister and I.
Step 4:
Print it as in Step 2, and then add this new picture to the frame.
Step 5:
Take a picture of the 3rd generation holding the picture of the 1st two generations. This was my mother and aunt.
Step 6:
Print it and then add it to the frame if you are blessed to have another generation to go.
Step 7:
Have Great Grandma hold the picture of the 3 generations below her. Take her picture.
This final photo can now be printed in ANY SIZE you would like. This will be such a special keepsake over the years. I have seen it done with the men of a family on Pinterest.
Please check out our Pinterest DIY and Crafts boards and other Photography ideas.