Great books for your Tween daughter…about being a tween.

Help your tween/ teen navigate through those ackward years of insecurity and change. My oldest is 12. She is all things first child; rule oriented, orderly, and driven. Over the years her strong will has served her beautifully as she has developed into a compassionate, servant-hearted, and intentional  young lady. I adore her.

About 3 months ago we started to notice a few changes in her moods.  Because I am homeschooling her this year, I get to experience these swings first hand throughout our days… so I have a vested interest to understand just what is going on inside her head.  I was shocked that she felt incredibly comforted when I explained to her that her moods were a result of hormonal changes and were completely normal. Her intellectual mind could handle a physiological explanation much easier than not knowing why she felt so…off.

Because she is quite introverted and loves to read, I knew she’d prefer to fill in the gaps through books. Most of these are from a Biblical perspective but regardless of your spiritual beliefs, I think you’ll find some great insight.

Here is a list of our favorite tween books and affiliate links for your convenience and mine.

  • 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Knowby Kari Kampakis This book is written in a big sister format to your daughter. My daughter has read through it 3 times and gone through it with a small group of friends.  It has questions at the end of each chapter. It addresses topics like popularity, their unique design, friendships, and passions. You can read my full review of it here. We loved this book.10 Ultimate Truths Girls Shouls Know
  • Perfectly Uniqueby Annie F. Downs   The author takes you on a thoughtful, funny and spirit-filled exploration of the way God created you different from every other person in the world, and He did this on purpose! Great perspective addressing body image and each of our unique set of talents. At an age when conformity can be the goal, this perspective can help our daughters build confidence and strengthen their faith through embracing their unique design. My 12 year old loved reading this!

6 encouraging books for your tween/teen to read about being a tween [the House of Hendrix}

  • You’re Already Amazing by Holly Gerth – (best suited for moms of tweens or actual teens)  We, as moms, need to get our own thinking straight before we can be of any help to them. The author helps you understand and embrace the truth that as a woman, you do not need to do more, be more, and have more—because you are already amazing just the way God created you to be. When my daughter was on a club soccer team significantly above her skill set, principles in this book helped me teach her that she could walk on that field with no fear or apologies. I didn’t need to be nervous either. She didn’t have to be anything more today that she already was. She is Already Amazing! It helped us find that balance of striving to do your absolute best while knowing your identity and worth is not determined by the results.  6 encouraging books for your tween/teen to read about being a tween [the House of Hendrix}
  • Graceful – Letting go of your try-hard life by Emily P. Freeman – (I’d recommend this for an older teen or the mother of a tween) – This book is written to the good girl who tries to do everything perfect from sports to schoolwork. It’s also written to the girl who feels like she can’t do anything right. The ultimate message in this book is you don’t have to be perfect. My daughter often strives to be perfect and is discouraged by correction, so this book was a good fit. It is written a little above her comprehension level so we went through it together.

6 encouraging books for your tween/teen to read about being a tween [the House of Hendrix}

  • BeTween by Vicki Courtney – My daughter just finished going through this book in small group with her friends. It is a magazine style book filled with articles, games and lists. It’s targeted towards the 8-12 year old reader. The book wisely encourages girls to enjoy being their age rather than succumbing to modern culture’s temptations to grow up too fast. It addresses topics like popularity, friendships, texting, fighting with siblings, and your attitude with your mamma. It’s irresistibly fun and an easy read.

6 encouraging books for your tween/teen to read about being a tween [the House of Hendrix}

  • Soul Surfer series by Bethany Hamilton – Have you seen the movie Soul Surfer about a young girl named Bethany Hamilton who had her arm bitten off by a shark while she was surfing? Well, we have…like 30 times! It started a surfing craze in our home. My daughter has read and reread the book and devotionals dozens of times. Bethany speaks teen to teen about overcoming your fears and living out your faith. I ripped out a few pages from the devotional for issues my daughter hasn’t been exposed to yet, but still recommend it.

6 encouraging books for your tween/teen to read about being a tween [the House of Hendrix}soul surfer

  • The Lily Seriesby Nancy Rue – (for the younger tween) – We started these because my daughter’s name is Lily and it was just too cool to find something called the Lily series. There are several characters in them who each represent a different type of girl. We were surprised by how applicable these were to everyday decisions. They are short and each book addresses a different topic – “the Uniquely Me book”, “The Body Book”, “The Blurry Rules Book”, “The Walk the Walk Book”

*** NEW*** More books added.

List of Encouraging Books for Tweens/Teens and their parents {the House of Hendrix}

Encouraging books for tweens/teens about being a tween. Great for parents too.

  • Caring and Keeping of You: the body book for younger girls(American Girl) and now a Volume 2 The Body book for Older Girls. Best Selling books from American Girl. The first volume is for girls 8 and up and answers questions about your changing body, from hair care to healthy eating, bad breath to bras, periods to pimples, and everything in between. Once a comfort level is established, Volume 2 goes into greater details on periods and their changing body as well as addresses topics on peer pressure and social issues.

Great books for your Tween [the House of Hendrix}Great books for your Tween [the House of Hendrix}

I’d love to hear any helpful book recommendations you and your child have enjoyed reading.

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Teacher Gift Ideas

Teacher Appreciation ideas

Thank you for not being "impatient" with us this year

Impatient PlantPlant a simple impantien into a bright colored plastic pot. Tape a card onto a pencil and stick in dirt. Tie a ribbon. Cute and witty.

You're a sweet Light in our lifeLantern – We bought a lantern from Target and fill with chocolate covered pretzels.  Attach a card with a reference to the teacher being a “light” in your life.

Print mock starbucks labels for a quick teacher treat Personalized Starbucks treats  I bought cups from the dollar store and a package of chocolate covered shortbread from costco. I personalized these labels with each teacher’s name from this link. Printed them on sticker paper, cut and attached. Great way to start any day!teacher appreciation tea gift printable  Tea Jar Fill a canister with tea and then print this label from

Ask your child what they love about their teacher (or dad for Father's Day) and this site will automatically turn it into a heart shaped poem. 15 other Ideas for Teacher Appreciation gifts Personalized Heart Poem – I asked my child what they love about their teacher, typed in his reply on this link , and it generates a heart shaped card. Print and give. You can never go wrong with a child’s sweet words.

Say it with socks – ” I am Blessed and Grateful for you!” – These socks from Notes to Self are my obsession at the moment. Here’s an affiliate link hand picked strawberriesHand Picked strawberries – with a cute tag “I couldn’t have picked a better teacher”(from Dixie Delights).

teacher apprecaition

photo from “Hello from the Natos”

Homemade Cookie Dough – Wrapped adorably in parchment paper, a favorite cookie dough has always been a well received gift. You can write a recipe directly on the parchment or print it out. You can also print the label from Nato’s photo from this link. double-chocolate-chews-l

teacher-munchkinsMunchins – Cute idea from the Happy Home Fairy to bring in Munchkins with note. Click here to print their note.

finished gift bags“Orange you glad it’s summer” Printable – I found the  printable over at Coley’s Corner and you can attach it to pretty much anything. Thanks to them for allowing us to use it.

teacher appreciation gift idea Gift Card – “A teacher can’t survive on apples alone…” – I saw this months ago as a Christmas gift but think it’d be just as cute for a year end gift.

cake pops

Cake Pop Stand – after packaging each cake pop in plastic bags from Michaels, we wrapped a styrofoam rectangle in wrapping paper, stuck them in, and made a sign. Great Grab and Go treat when lots of teachers are involved.

DSC_0969 DSC_0528 teacher appreciation

Personalized Gifts – These ideas are easiest if you have a die cutter machine. Here are some ways we personalized an inexpensive item which are just so much fun to receive.

teacher appreciation ideas

You know you are a mom of boys when…

Funny ways you remember you are a mom of boys
  1. You have rules like “No peeing on your brother in the bath tub.” 
  2. You find a matchbox car when you reach into the bag of pita chips.
  3. You distract your neighbor in conversation, so she doesn’t see your son peeing in her bushes
  4. The smell of sweaty necks and stinky feet is oddly endearing.
  5. You have to swing by Chick Fil A for a snack on the way home from dinner.
  6. You’ve actually spoken the words “New rule: you are not allowed to stick your pinky into the electric pencil sharpener”.
  7. You have way too much fun watching your kids play with a whoopie cushion.
  8. Whenever you sit on the potty, your tush gets wet.You know you are a mom of boys when...
  9. Shooting squirrels with a nerf gun is an acceptable pastime.
  10. You suggest Super Mario as a name for the pet bunny.
  11. You tell a babysitter they read better when they are upside down.
  12. The noise in the car is louder than your own thoughts.
  13. When the house is perfectly quiet, you know something big is wrong.
  14. You don’t ask about the bloody nose and scraped up knees when your son shows you his new trick on the scooter.
  15. Laying on the floor is never relaxing because there is always fear you are about to be jumped upon. “Incoming!”
  16. Your friends with just girls stare at you all with their mouths hanging open.
  17. You find his reference to “the Force” in Star Wars a brilliant parallel to the power of God.
  18. You don’t scream when your 4-year-old proudly shows you the Bb’s he drew…with the back of a hammer on your car door.
  19. When you meet a little boy, you stick out your hand…for a high 5.
  20. You have both a Lego and Star Wars font saved on your computer.
  21. You can’t imagine the day he falls in love with another woman.


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