You know you are a mom of boys when…

Funny ways you remember you are a mom of boys
  1. You have rules like “No peeing on your brother in the bath tub.” 
  2. You find a matchbox car when you reach into the bag of pita chips.
  3. You distract your neighbor in conversation, so she doesn’t see your son peeing in her bushes
  4. The smell of sweaty necks and stinky feet is oddly endearing.
  5. You have to swing by Chick Fil A for a snack on the way home from dinner.
  6. You’ve actually spoken the words “New rule: you are not allowed to stick your pinky into the electric pencil sharpener”.
  7. You have way too much fun watching your kids play with a whoopie cushion.
  8. Whenever you sit on the potty, your tush gets wet.You know you are a mom of boys when...
  9. Shooting squirrels with a nerf gun is an acceptable pastime.
  10. You suggest Super Mario as a name for the pet bunny.
  11. You tell a babysitter they read better when they are upside down.
  12. The noise in the car is louder than your own thoughts.
  13. When the house is perfectly quiet, you know something big is wrong.
  14. You don’t ask about the bloody nose and scraped up knees when your son shows you his new trick on the scooter.
  15. Laying on the floor is never relaxing because there is always fear you are about to be jumped upon. “Incoming!”
  16. Your friends with just girls stare at you all with their mouths hanging open.
  17. You find his reference to “the Force” in Star Wars a brilliant parallel to the power of God.
  18. You don’t scream when your 4-year-old proudly shows you the Bb’s he drew…with the back of a hammer on your car door.
  19. When you meet a little boy, you stick out your hand…for a high 5.
  20. You have both a Lego and Star Wars font saved on your computer.
  21. You can’t imagine the day he falls in love with another woman.


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Prayers for Boston

Laura Winslow photography

Laura Winslow photography

As I watched the news coverage last night, I saw an image of a boy with his family…the boy whose life was taken at the Boston marathon. My heart sank. That photograph will never be viewed the same again. Its value is now different. I look around my home, every table covered in pictures of my family and friends, and my  eyes well with tears. What if it had been one of them? In an instant, my pictures, which are so familiar I no longer see, suddenly evoke a deep love and longing for people who are still alive. Just the thought of losing one of them arouses such tremendous emotion. So today I am humbled by the families who are living with that grief. I ask God why and what can I do. Pray  my child pray.  6678_10151853881091959_221807249_nkneel

Modern Thank You Note ideas for kids

The cake is eaten, the balloons deflated, the presents unwrapped. My child’s love tank is filled from the attention he receives on his birthday. He is delighted by the new additions to the toy collection. Now it’s time to wrap up the last piece of birthday business before putting this celebration away until next year…the THANK YOU NOTE!

If I’m honest I’m usually exhausted by this point and dread the thought of stamps and addresses. With an older child, I think it is important to teach both the art of writing a handwritten thank you note as well as scheduling the time to do such. What I know is that my 6 year old would feel more frustration than gratitude with such a task…and our notes get lost somewhere between being addressed, stamped, soccer practice and the mailbox. So here are some creative ways a younger child can learn to say thank you.

  1. Chalkboard Message- we’ve seen the idea on Pinterest and it’s a great one. It’s quick, can be emailed or texted, and gives a visual to the person.Modern Thank you note ideas
  2. Fill in the blank cards and write them as you open. – When I first saw a ‘fill in the blank’ card in the aisle of Target, I cringed. Then I had 25  four year olds over for a birthday party, and changed my tune. I made a few below, you are welcome to print.
    Modern Thank you note ideasfill in dot bigfill in blank fun font
  3. Video message – This is our favorite and most used thank you. With the popularity of smartphones, your child can say thank you in their own words and personality. We often video the opening of the gift for out of town relatives as it captures that moment of surprise and pure delight.
  4. Picture with caption boxes – great thank you idea when multiple gifts are involved. idea from Camp Clem.

    picture from Camp Clam

    picture from Camp Clem

  5. A Phone call – So simple but I often forget the impact of a sweet little voice.
  6. Postcards – Take a festive picture in advance or use one from the party.  It could say “thank you for coming to my party”. Print them 3 to a page on cardstock and then cut. Add writing to the back. Stamp. Good to go.1-11-2

7. Picture with friend and gift– If presents are opened at the party, take a picture of the birthday child with each person and the gift they brought. Now you do not have to keep track of a thank you list you’ll probably lose anyway. Then print pictures 3 to a page on heavy cardstock, cut, and add writing to back.

8. Draw a picture – my niece, Josie, recently drew me a picture of herself wearing the shirt I made her. It was precious and warmed my heart because she took the time to draw it.

9. Freebie Thank you’s printables

Click image to print cards

click image to print cards

click image to print cards

giraffe thank you BIG

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